
One small quibble: the first ABC season was the regular cast. It was also one of the best seasons the series ever had.


I forgot about this and now I remember and man I fucking love this show.

I think you have good points and the reflective quality is worth mentioning in any discussion on the National Anthem, but how often is that really on ones thoughts? It's mostly routine and habit. I suppose my greatest feeling of discomfort comes from the fact that in our society there is only one "right" way to

I feel the same way. It's not protest for me, but it has no meaning to do so.

I don't like it and what I resent more is the expectation to take part. I feel deeply uncomfortable with standing and putting a hand over my heart for the National Anthem when I go to a baseball game and didn't like the pledge of allegiance in school. I'll stand for the anthem because everyone does, but I've more than

To be fair, they hated Spider-Man for like 50 years.

I got into collecting comics regularly around Civil War. Siege is about the time I stopped keeping up with Marvel. It hasn't been all bad since then, but I really loved the Bendis era. His mix of intimate character stories and universe-sweeping events was exactly the kind of thing I like.

There's a certain subset of fans that basically call for any and all characters to be gay, or perceive them as gay, or say they should be gay. Which is fine, but how authentic it all is is questionable.

The best comedies are rooted in tragedy.

He defined it as "tragedy," in the Greek, Shakespearean definition of the comedy/tragedy dichotomy.

No, no, no, you've got it all wrong. Fallon is popular and too nice so he sucks and you are obligated to hate him on the internet.

I love Psych but eventually thanks to USA's scheduling I lost track of it. I hope eventually Shawn got his comeuppance but in a funny way where everything works out ok in the end. Shawn and Gus ranks only behind JD and Turk in "Best Best Friends on TV."

So was I. I liked Shopgirl pretty well, but I absolutely loved An Object of Beauty. It was the right book at the right time for me.

An Object of Beauty's description of Los Angeles was so shockingly accurate and affecting to an outsider living there for the first time that I had to share it with everyone I knew. Martin is an excellent writer.

Well I can't speak to that because I gave up on it halfway through season 2.

These will both be canceled immediately. I can't think of a funny way to say it that the AVClub will find cool. Here's a Simpson's quote: [ Annoyed Grunt ]

There remains little on television that has been so disappointing to me than the steep drop in quality that Heroes saw from season 1 to season 2. Heroes to begin with was nothing groundbreaking or new, but it was fun to see superheroes on TV, even if much was lifted wholesale from X-Men. But it became immediately

That's what a diet of only pig's blood'll do to ya.

It turns out Booth was an ancient vampire with a soul the whole time.