
As someone who went to both games at Crew Stadium during the playoffs, I can confirm that only 2 gates were open and they were understaffed. I lined up for the NYCFC game about ~10 minutes before kickoff and I didn’t get in until 10 minutes after (missed the first goal). This was despite the fact the stadium was only

I do love how avowed Liverpool “fan” Billy Haisley links to an article from that newspaper but days after the anniversary. Could you be more plastic?

Everytime I read/hear anything by anyone who makes the argument that the Democratic party needs to move to the left, I immediately realize I am reading/listening to is not a serious person. The left doesn’t consistently vote but yes, let’s build a party to cater to the whims of a bunch of people who can’t turn out

Is there anyway that someone at deadspin (Marchman, Burneko?, Ghost of AJ?) could perhaps get HamNo to actually travel around the country to meet some of the people possibly affected by the upcoming political shifts and talk to them? Not only could it make an interesting series of articles but it would maybe cut down

Is there anyway that someone at deadspin (Marchman) could perhaps get HamNo to actually travel around the country to meet some of the people possibly affected by the upcoming political shifts and talk to them? Not only could it make an interesting series of articles but it would maybe cut down on his neverending

As someone working in the same field, I am surprised no one has mentioned one of the larger issues when talking about sprawl, that of a lack of regional planning. Issa (and HamNo) talk about cities but they are really talking about MSA’s, which are often referred to as cities in common parlance. This is a misnomer