
It would be fascinating to see the test results for all of the female athletes at the olympics. It is quite possible that the reason there isn’t the pressure to test in the hammer, or weightlifting etc, is that most of those women have the condition.

There may be some racists behind this ruling, but it’s my understanding that the genetics for this sort of condition tend to run in certain population sub groups, most of which are PoC.

I wish some of the other commentators would actually think. This is a difficult subject, and their responses are the sort that give liberals a bad name. Their pigheadedness actually makes it much more difficult for the majority of queer/trans/whatever folks who are just trying to live their lives.  Castor could quit

Someone else dig out the article:

Aha, I was trying to find that article again!

I think that women who have AIS are specifically allowed to compete, because their insensitivity means they _don’t_ gain an advantage from the T.  Caster’s issue is that she clearly does.  (When she’s medicated her T levels, her performance dropped off by the exact amount expected.) 

I argued this exact point the last time this came up. Weight classes and age limitations are there because differences there make competition inherently unfair. It’s unfortunate that unlike those sex doesn’t have a single number you can clearly point to. But this is the best that they’ve been able to come up with .

Definitely not tennis:

The problem with this is that there are other disorders ?testosterone insensitivity? that result in XY individuals presenting as completely female, except to chromosome tests. (When those tests first became popular a lot of women got some very surprising news.) These women get no advantage from their condition, and

There was a great article linked to in the comments the last time this came up here. In it a scientist who was a highly competitive runner talked about how changing testosterone levels greatly affected their personal race times.

Name a sport in which the best women could beat the best men.

What? If you let the athlete choose the doctor, you end up with someone like Trump’s doc saying he’s the healthiest president ever.

You answer your own question there.  The reason there are multiple intersex runners competing at those distances at the highest levels is that those traits give them a significant advantage.  That’s why there has been this effort to restrict that advantage.

The wrong part is to pick out one single physiological difference and declare it to be disqualifying.

just remember bad Ultraviolet:

I am pretty sure she married Nicki Clyne as part of green card fraud (to keep Clyne from having to go back to Canada.)

How are they going to seed their conference tourney?  It seems likely that the 5th team at the break might end up with the best overall record.

Have you seen Greg Schiano’s proposal? It would replace the kickoff with a 4th and X on the Y. (I think X=15, and Y is their own 30 in most versions.)

I have always been curious why none of the unions haven’t pushed for veteran bonuses that would come directly from the TV money, and not count against the team’s salary cap. You make the league set aside X billion dollars. Each player in the league gets a share of that pot based on the number of

WTF are “woke-looking men”?