
This has to have come from Microsoft. Since last year when they announced the Minecraft patch that finally showed up now, they’ve brought up cross-console play in every interview or PR piece where they could cram it in.

Dude, this is supposed to be real things you did, not absurd fantasies.

Something like this was probably in development over a year ago. Back then, even the Pokemon Company believed the console would flop.


I know Capcom is not releasing XX to the west, but that also goes for it’s 3DS version(XX is an upgrade of Generations, not just the japanese version of it). Similarly it’s already

No, because releasing a game all about drawing on a system with a touch screen makes too much sense.

So little reason it’s not on the Switch. Okami was on the Wii and Okamiden was on the DS FFS

Capcom still doesn’t trust the Switch, it seems. They’re refusing to release that Monster Hunter port in the West. This is just icing on the cake.

I’ll probably be picking it up, actually (depending upon early reviews of how well the port holds up). I played the game originally back on the Xbox 360 in 2011, didn’t finish despite enjoying it, and haven’t picked it up since then. This version includes all of the DLC and various tweaks to make it a more enjoyable