
Every gamer should be excited about this. Now games actually have a real incentive to be made at 60 fps. I said it before - games have zero incentive to be made at 60 fps, because there is no way to actually market this feature - you can market graphics, shading, resolution even, but not 60 fps, because of the limits

Please don't excuse phony pretentiousness.

I said inept programmers and inept publishers. I'm not saying that there are games that you can't program cheats for, games that are completely safe from trainers and hacks. No. I'm saying that there are online games with decent enough hacking protection, and decent enough publisher and developer that hacking is

How do you realize that something you did was rude? By the reaction you get. Now, online - there is barely any reaction and even when there is, it is some random person thousands of miles away that you will never meet. That's why hacking is a problem in games - you're being rude, and you reap the benefits of being a

ENB is great for every game that it is available for. Check out what it does to Dark Souls 2! Absolutely stunning!

First sentence - that is irrelevant. The game is still Korean and still didn't have decent protection against hacking - inept developer and publisher. This is common in Korean games.

What you said has nothing to do with my point. My point is that innocent people have no place in jail. Hacking in online games is not a crime. Jail should be reserved for criminals. I made it very clear that the problem is with sending non-criminals to jail. Non-criminals can be referred to as innocent people.

That's not true and it only shows how naive you are when it comes to crime, punishment, prison, criminals and everything that has to do with any of this.

That's not what I said. I said that sending innocent people to prison can and will potentially create criminals. You should learn to comprehend. You're sending innocent people to live with criminals - listen to music with them, eat with them, play basketball with them.

I see. You're a disgrace to freedom. "Not everyone deserves to have freedom" is one of the most despicable sentences one can say. Who does not deserve to have freedom? Women? Black people? Christian creationists? You are a despicable human being. Do you know who does not deserve freedom? Those that are willing to take

Target already has security and measures in place to prevent that - like security, the cashiers may decide to refuse to sell the item to the person that took it from another person's cart and as far as I know, they can even ban people from their stores. They have the measures in place that work well enough to prevent

No. You see there is this thing called intelligence. There is this thing called freedom. I will stand for freedoms defending things that I wish didn't exist. Like religion - I despise religion, but I stand for everyone's right to have the freedom to follow a religion if they so decide.

Reading the comments made me lose all faith in humanity. Everyone here wants to live in socialist communism. Fuck freedom. Fuck privacy. Fuck everything. Communism is the way to go.

Let's send a bunch of immature kids to get fucked in the ass by drug dealers. I am with you! That will teach them compassion and not ruining other people's fun.

People don't understand how things work. This week you go to jail for cheating, next week you go to jail for using a FoV fix.

Just to clarify - you said that modding is illegal.

Yeah, every time anyone cheats in an online game, the company has to hire a team of crack scientists to fix the client. Every time after someone cheated in a game, all legit users must reinstall, otherwise they will get the flu on their machines.

The EULA/TOS in games means nothing, though. Wherever the law conflicts with the TOS, the law comes first and the TOS gets dismissed. The terms of service do not give anyone the right to overrule laws.

Go fuck yourself. In sports, using steroids is not a criminal offense. What happens in sports is you get banned. Should using steroids be criminal offense? Nope. Neither should be cheating in games.

If the last was an actual videogame protagonist, I would be reading on this very site what a sexist game that is for objectifying women like that.