
This is Japan, and judging by the articles that trickle down to the west from there, they love taking everything too far. You either go out like a soldier, or you don't go out at all, that seems to be their culture. No middle ground, no shades of gray - just black and white, yin and yang, totally sober or completely

The rumors go a bit deeper. Sony said that not developing the Demon's Souls IP is one of their biggest mistakes. From what I know, this "Project Beast" is developed by FromSoftware with Sony, so it very much looks like Demon's Souls 2, and will probably be PS4 exclusive. Sony knows that Demon's Souls 2, as a PS4

Replace "chess" with StarCraft 2 or DOTA (screw LoL) and all of a sudden it is horribly relevant.

Ah, so this is the same sexism Anita exhibits. :/

My opinion of teachers in general has not been mentioned. I do not have respect for anyone who commands children to feel a certain way. Unless you mean the "presumably underpaid" claim, which only shows that I don't think teachers are paid enough. They are not in most countries I know.

When I was in school, we had 40 minute classes that were devoted to learning, and 10-20 minutes between each class to "prepare for the next one" - also known as running around and tackling each other. I didn't need an presumably underpaid woman to command me to be happy.

You may be correct, but the video in the original article says otherwise. It's one video of one class... but if my kid was in this type of retarded class where the kids are made to repeat these silly things, I'd rather have my child homeschooled. I don't think it should be acceptable of a teacher to demand her

Now playing

This reminds me of a Gaijin Goombah video, where he says that it is basically useless to be a teacher in Japan, it is useless to try and educate Japanese children, because if you try to educate them "you're boring them". Yeah, school is supposed to be "fun" not educating.

Women need to learn - making fun of something is what makes it not a taboo. If they want female masturbation not to be a taboo - write the jokes. Make it funny. Don't make it cute and stereotypically girly. Anita wouldn't approve of that. Making fun of things is what turns them from taboo to something anyone can talk

Nah, you can find Indy's dead body in the first level of TR4.

There are no mainstream superheroes, male and female, wearing adequate gear for combat. Some portrayals of Batman and that's it. Spandex is not adequate combat gear. I'd agree that portraying women unrealistically to show tits and ass at the same time is retarded, but it sells... so it can only speak to the quality of

I like how everything has to be turned into some feministy message about how women blah blah blah.

The writing of this is horribly clever. The full thing apparently is 40+ minutes of lines and way too many of them are hilarious and clever. Far too much mocking of the player, it is hilarious. Although he can certainly make people feel insecure about their choices in life. It is amazing!

Wait, how is Valve bending people over? This is an optional announcer pack. The default announcer pack is quite solid as well. It's not like the default is crap and people have to buy this to enjoy the game. They're just giving people something they will find entertaining for a while and ask for some money for it. In

We live in the age of Anita Sarkeesian. Making a game about a girl that looks like this takes balls, and I respect the balls. I mean, she is missing an arm, she is a handicapped girl. That is sexist, obviously. Probably a man patriarchized her out of an arm.

This looks kind of decent, but nothing like Dark Souls. Combat looks slow and floaty, unlike DS's hectic combat. I'm not saying this game is bad, I am just thrashing the namedropping that is going on only to trigger some reaction in fanboys

Considering the articles I read from Kotaku regarding Asian culture, I can draw the conclusion that you guys must really hate Asians and want to misrepresent them in every way possible.

I'd totally want to hang out with Aladdin and Anna.

I'm not sure if this qualifies as Shaq-Fu 2. From what I remember, this Shaq-Fu will be a brawler, not a fighting game. Honestly, it doesn't look bad at all. The animations the trailer shows are absolutely top notch. At the very least, they know animation, and for me that would be enough, as long as the controls work

Ultimate Spider-Man is the last Spider-Man game I actually enjoyed. Everything since... has felt extremely uninspired to me.