Haha! I get it! It's funny because he's white and he's fat. How liberal of you.
Haha! I get it! It's funny because he's white and he's fat. How liberal of you.
Who cares? He was an old, privledged white guy who probably voted Republican and was racist as hell. I know he was racist because he didn’t dare speak out about blacks not playing Major League Baseball. This guy was a loser!
Aren’t those names pretty common for a certain ethnic group? I can’t remember which ethnic group though. I’m sure those individuals are legal immigrants from wherever they came from.
“Black people can fight.”
As a Caps fan, I want to tell you to go fuck yourself! Not just because you are making fun of my team’s best player, but also because it is so fucking spot on. Kudos, my good sir!
Well, it WAS Baltimore, so your argument does have validity.
It's pretty obvious. Irish people are white.
As a football fan, I can honestly say that the people that attend NFL games are literally the worst that our society has to offer. I’ve been to only one game (Broncos/Ravens in B’More) and it was enough for me to never want to give up my couch for a ticket to a game. I hate to brush such a broad stroke, but I’ve never…
Why two different screen layouts for ESPN football? Why is the NFL’s different from their college broadcast?
There's a whole lot of undersized and underwhelmingly talented white boys on that field!
Ute think this wouldn't happen in a Mormon state.
It’s about time they do away with these signs. The fact that they allow someone to hold a “I’m white” sign over a black man further demeans black people in this country. This College Gameday looks like yet another form of white privilege.
You've got to be a real dip shit to wreck while throwing dip spit.
If it weren’t for the USA, the world would be ruled by a Nazi regime or a Stalinist regime. Take your pick, you stupid fuck!
Beavers -STILL undefeated!
The US doesn't own the Iraq clusterfuck, the US is just renting. Great Britain and France own the entire Middle East clusterfuck. If you actually knew history, you'd know that.
Really? What happened in 2006?
No. You said Americans were chickenshit for not going after Saudi Arabia. I’m making the point that Americans didn’t make the decision to not go after Saudi Arabia just like they didn’t make the decision to go into Iraq. Those decisions were made by American politicians. There’s a difference.
Actually, you're wrong and he (or she) is right. 3,000 people lost their lives on 9/11. The US lost 3% of their population to the Civil War. So, yeah, calling 9/11 the most traumatic event in US history is quite a stretch.
You mean the same Patriot Act that Obama just signed to be continued a couple months ago? I'll just stop there.