
Um, fuck you. Our next door neighbor, a woman in her late 30s, had sex with my younger brother when he was 15. I was 16 at the time and the culture was WAY different. My older brother congratulated him for it, but my sister and I asked him if he was OK. He said he was. Guess what? He wasn’t. He had been her kids’

Pence is Evangelical. I know a lot of Evangelicals are hopeful that Armageddon will happen in their lifetimes...

Jill Lepore also wrote an entire book that highlighted the women who were responsible for Marston’s creation, and I highly highly highly recommend it!

When I was a boy, Superman (Christopher Reeve) was everything to me. I am so fucking happy that girls today have their Wonder Woman.

Omg, that first sentence in the Vulture piece: “The only grace note in the generally clunky Wonder Woman is its star, the five-foot-ten-inch Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot, who is somehow the perfect blend of superbabe-in-the-woods innocence and mouthiness.”

It’s not compassion. It’s an attempt to define when conciousnes begins. Once that’s settled it all down hill fast from there.

Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.

I’m grateful for it. After Carrie Fisher died I felt very distraught and I really mourned the loss of someone who advocated for people like me with all her heart, because she was a person like me.

I lost my dad around the same time Di died, and I was Harry’s age. I have always, always felt a strange kinship to both Princes because of this. And seeing them happy now (and championing mental health) is really nice.