I am so saving this post just so I can watch these clips over and over again.
I am so saving this post just so I can watch these clips over and over again.
White male privilege is one hell of a drug.
See above.
Sing it with me! 🎵 This how you do it! 🎶
Thank you, Kelly! This was a fascinating and enlightening read.
Take this you fucking misogynists!
When you have a single sink, a tub is the only way to go. Also, too, there are tubs specifically designed for RVs and camping that work great in small kitchens. Like mine. You can even buy collapsible ones.
Don’t forget Canada!
Hallelujah! Praise the Goddess! I don’t give a damn how little or late it is, for once a famous predator isn’t getting what he thinks he’s entitled to.
Seriously, the sheer ignorance USAG is displaying is gobsmacking. Has it not yet dawned on them just how many people are watching these multiple train wrecks? It’s far beyond just gymnastics by now.
Yeah, love it when evil eats its own feet. Pun intended.
True, except neither of them seems to want the job. Can’t say I blame them.
It is tragic that US Gymnastics is forcing this role on Biles. She should not have to do this, to be the one to call them out. She’s still quite young; she should be enjoying her best life, pushing her sport to the limit. Where are the fucking adults in this room?
Ah, the #JianGhomeshiDefence ! I’m sure that will work out well for him.
That level of sadism, because that’s what is, just takes my breath away. I am so very sorry.
Sounds about right.
In its own way, that was a truly beautiful story. Thank you.
And she aced it! Incredible!