

Why didn’t she just leave tho? I promise you a man in the same situation would

an’t win? lol, you all get to be THE deciders of when sex happens due to having a specific organ. You already won you have the most powerful force in the universe between your legs. Men have to be good little doggies to earn their treat once in a while. Can’t win, what a fucking joke even for lezebel that’s rich.

And yet he’s the fucking POTUS and you work at a Starbucks

The guy you rubbed yourself to, Barry Obama, bowled a 27

If she was laughing she’s a keeper

Remember that time you posted something nobody cared about? If not, this was it.

Of course you do, you’re a fucking stereotype

What? A College English Professor doesn’t like a Republican President?

You have skype?

Use those same tools to research the Clinton background

none of us are unhappy - you wish that were true

hoping the beckys make out

yeah god forbid she have her own feelings and preferences!

On his tippy toes

Buf is not beating Jax lol

hahaah soccer

Some people have jobs that pay well enough to get vehicles with auto-sensing wipers

Fuck Lincoln!

This is hilarious