
She’s beautiful, rich, powerful, and you’re some ugly fucking ginger who’s stuck writing for jizzball


These women are attractive and shave their legs - Kate has no chance

These things are really nice to have

These things are really nice to have

ahhh yes

Next thing you might discover is they’re both piece of shit race baiters

Violence is always funny right fucknut?

In other words

You arent “curvy” bitch, you’re fat

It’s a great joke - sorry your boy is a cheating piece of shit

as someone who played football up to college - this type of asshattery happens everywhere and it’s often white on white, white on black, etc

since black males commit the most crimes that’s whiteys fault too right?

So when black kids end up killing other people it’s because they learned it from their murderous ass parents?

As a Colts fan - cut the dude

You sure are a bully

Memo to you - your party lost

yeah it is shocking a guy who just became famous being a racist agrees with a chick who became famous spreading her legs

yeah it is shocking a guy who just became famous being a racist agrees with a chick who became famous spreading her legs

Called dibs on her long ago - fk him

Called dibs on her long ago - fk him