
I'd actually argue that part of what made Murphy a star in the first place was his flair for drama - if you go re-watch 48 hours or Beverly Hills Cop, they're not actually comedies, primarily. And since when was Bowfinger a comedic role?

While I'm fine with it not appearing on this list due to the list's specific mission, allow me to recommend S1E14 "I've Got You Under My Skin", where Angel & Co. attempt to rescue a young boy who has been taken over by a demon…

Uh, Alex… You're making me be that guy, but… it's pretty clear you don't know the difference between Conan and a dishmop. I mean, Wikipedia's right there. Viking? Really?!?

Let me spell it out then:

Good lord, please proof-read. This is almost unintelligible. I shouldn't have to follow the links just to understand what the f**k you're on about.

Hansel & Gretel may have poorly received by critics, but it's also on many, many "most under-rated movies"-lists. It's by no means a master-piece, but it's vastly superior to pretty much any Michael Bay-film, and for my money was better than any of the recent Marvel flicks bar 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and 'Iron man'.

Yeah… I can't even see myself caring a little bit about this, even as a die-hard fan of "Hellblazer". Smoking is hardly his one defining trait, and it'd be easy enough to make him an ex-smoker and still have the lung-cancer storyline.

I advised my wife to stop watching after season 2, which was still a great season - yeah, you'll miss some gems, but on the whole that season was a miss. The network forced Thomas to up the love-drama and condense the arcs to 2-3 episodes for season 3. It was not a good move.

Damnit, I feel old when it's the original version that I've heard of, not the cover…

I'd nominate the sort-of prequel to "Dancing on my own", Robyn's earlier track "Be Mine".

What's wrong with the accents? Both Sarah and Felix grew up in London - and they've got those accents down exactly. I had to look them up on IMDB as I couldn't believe they weren't really English.