
I'm tempted to reply with only pictures

I would be too afraid of my robo-hand getting an Error 404 - Murder Spasm and rip off my dick and throw it against a wall.

korra asks if it can 'air bend'

"I don't have time to watch propagandistic sob stories" but you clearly had time to write all of that...

Apple gets tons of performance out of "lesser" specs. Think of a light weight Lotus Elise vs the Dodge Challenger hellcat. They're both fast as hell, but one is around 200 horsepower, the other is 700+.

You must be on Android. Where twice the power gets you 75% of the performance of Apple.

Seeing this and the cinema sins for Toy Story, I can't help but feel that these CG animated films definitely do not age as well as traditional animation. It's been seventy years since some of Disney's greatest works, and they don't look half as dated as some of the texture-less blockiness we can pick up in these

Internet comment rule #12.4: If you are going to call someone out as stupid, have a grownup check your post for errors first.

Her ass is GLORIOUS

YASSSS BITCH YAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS There's stuff to criticize about this song, obvs but goddamn if we can't celebrate a woman singing about how awesome it is to have a fat ass and enjoy it.

Says the Spanish guy.

I feel like they have should have the money to fund there own project.

And why do they suddenly appear... whenever you are near??? Oh wait...


A firm one?