
It’s not that they won’t get caught it’s that the other Judges on the disciplinary panels won’t do anything. Like every other group that polices itself it’s largely true. The exceptions are when it sees the light of day and becomes a “thing” in the media. That forces their hand. Notice that the “Judge” only received a

They are such a profoundly ancient acronism. Their increasing irrelevance to any modern society couldn’t be more eloquently described than by the utter stupidity of the Philadelphia Diocese. That they even pretend to take the moral high ground after what it’s priest did to children makes this even more laughable.

Wow, if that isn’t Hitlerian. He decrees the judge who decided against him a “hater” and then will be totally “shocked” when one of his true believers acts on what he’s saying. The press needs to go through those documents with a microscope and publish everything relevant to Trump’s behaviors as a classic flimflam

Their efforts were noted by the UN too. The people living in the Favelas of Brazil aren’t seen as human by the authorities in that country - cleaning the streets to them is simple - kill; cheap, easy and effective. Not sure what the country will really do to make sure the Olympics go off with minimal trouble.

Brazil is no more ready to host the Olympics than Chad is. It was that long ago when the cops in Rio felt that stopping juvenile crime was simple; pick them up, drive them out of town and put a round behind one of their ears. I wonder how much money changed hands for the IOC to give the games to Rio? The folks at FIFA

Uhh. Not to nitpick but that’s a coal scuttle, not a bucket.

You can’t damage what isn’t there...

What goes around comes around. Fox (perhaps not Kelly) actively created and nurtured the poisonous atmosphere that provides life to Trump. That it would turn on one of its co-creators is beyond poetic justice. I’m sorry Ms. Kelly, but you chose to work for one of the most odious fascist propaganda factories in recent

Never forget Rick Santorum’s words “the smart people will never be with us” this just help ensure that the dumb one get dumber and the smart ones get the hell out of Texas (or maybe get dead)

Wow, 24x7 surveillance of your child. That’s not going to end well for either you or her. What about when they play outside unsupervised, go downtown to the movies with their friends, all the things kids do without us parents around to watch.