Pleasantly surprised I had to scroll down this far to see the first idiot make this comment. Please find your page at
Pleasantly surprised I had to scroll down this far to see the first idiot make this comment. Please find your page at
Please return to Gawker main page. Here, I’ll help show you the way:
Yeah. This definitely proves that tasers are the answer, when everyone says things like “why didn’t he use his taser?”
Wow, I did not know the ITB’s were in the cabin like that. I wouldn’t let kids sit back there, even most adults...
“Goddammit Wendy! Did you drop a gummy bear down the #5 stack again!?”
Send ‘em up in various dumb configurations to mess with the Ruskis’ minds. Randomise leaving tags on, systems off and tanks etc on the wings so they never get the same reading twice. And occasionally send one up in full stealth mode and appear from no-where just to freak them out. Psych Ops.
The strong message: Please don’t shoot these down as we don’t have very many and no means of building any more.
Just out of curiosity, how many additional F-22’s could we have purchased with the money we’re currently spending (and are anticipated to spend) on the F-35 program? I feel like the answer is “a lot”.
Never trust anyone who uses caplock in their ads.
Im not an electronics expert but that thing looks low tech beyond belief- maybe it is North Korean ?> relays Chinese tv back to the fatherland
If my car was stolen, I’d be quite pleased to know that a plate reader was deployed in the area.
At first I was like “WTF that is the worst headlight fitment ever” then I realized it is the current raptor fenders.
Why in the crikey fuck can you teleport now in a CoD game?
You sound a lot like a punk kid with a laser.
used millions of dollars of tax payer equipment? sure the value of all assets involved were probably in the millions, but you wouldn’t say they cop that pulled you over in a Dodge Charger used $50,000 of police equipment paid for by taxpayer dollars to give you a ticket.
I’m pretty sure they didn’t run out and buy a helicopter, thermal imaging, ground units just to go after this punk ass kid. Pretty sure they already all the equipment. In fact, it sounds like they were working on something else when they started getting lased.
Considering that a laser can effectively blind a pilot, thus potentially bringing down his/her very large aircraft, then yeah, I’d say the response is absolutely warranted.
Let’s review:
People who do this need to be made an example of in the worst fucking way.
On it.
Japan’s been on that mission for years!