
Netflix execs are so hard right now.

So glad they dumped the mustache grille. Actually, the whole package looks great. Well done, Lincoln.

Anybody who used to be a colonel was absolutely no fucking way working "bar security". Colonels are big time officers. Your friend is lying to you.

Because private companies never fuck up, in any way whatsoever, right?

Then what compelled you to click the link, find a video, and comment

2 minutes. It took 2 minutes.

Take his keys? Call the police? Something? Anything?

Getting in a car with the intention of driving drunk is literally the definition of threatening someone's personal safety.

Oh please the dev at Firaxis doing it is purely a cover, it was clearly their true enemies, Dolphin and Whale.

All of these videos were filmed on the CHP's West Sacramento Academy race track. This is usually done on graduation days or Academy Open Houses. Why are you pissed off that patrolmen are getting comprehensive training? I know its your opinion but jeeze man, you even think the Blue Angels is a waste?

Maybe they are there...but you just can't see them

That my friends, is a Chevy Spark.

Oh, how it sucks to be the fat, lonely friend.

No frame damage or air bag deployment with very simplistic cosmetic damage for $39k is worth the effort. Depending on the status of the title you can resell it at 55k for profit. I'd personally check first because this guy probably paid 25-30k to get it from there

Yes, of course. Especially if they pull up next to me and I can clearly see the cop inside the car like in the case above.

OK, I get that was a douche bag move by the officer. But what the fuck was the deal with the camera person. He speeds up in traffic to get his footage, then almost takes out both the biker and the cop (when the cop makes his douche bag move) while laying on the horn in the process. Then proceeds to stalk the cop

That is not true. You insult police officers that are actually trying to do their jobs correctly.

The real crime?

That's a whopper. Are you blind?