
The new UPS ones, with the Alero headlights, look super weird. As if Renée Zellweger got really high and then turned into a brown truck.

I love the ingenuity and the idea.

But that video makes it look like it does an absolutely terrible job as a snowblower.

Environmentalists don't want long-lasting, reliable cars that don't need to be constantly replaced and recycled?

This is a military test. When you can't afford bombs because you're not Norway, you must resort to dropping old Volvos on Denmark.


Rule #1 - if you can scream "I can't breathe!" multiple times - you can breathe just fine.

That disturbance is very disturbing.

Sales Manager:

It's not over until I get the keys in my hand. Thank you for following my story.


No pelicans in sight.

I generally know us over in the Navy use it similarly, but generally referring to older guys who've done a few boat tours. (or just been around the block in general. ) You know, since the ocean is, like, salt water.

That's cool. I have serious crushed-by-car paranoia — or maybe it's rational crushed-by-car concern — hard to say. Either way, can't argue with something that makes the process safer or more comfortable. That said, There are a lot of things that require or are easier with the wheels off, so I'm not sure this is

See, I can do it too:

How are my actions on a public street in any way private? Why should they be?

Was that device called "the closet"?

"Lets make the front end as large and awkwardly proportioned as possible without balancing the design anywhere else on the truck."

V8, RWD, Rare, Discontinued, Made in America, 6-10% Jalop.

Good attempt though.