Here comes the part where an individual cop is a total idiot and the masses say “fuck the police”. Even with clear and distinct evidence from this same clip that not all cops behave this.
Here comes the part where an individual cop is a total idiot and the masses say “fuck the police”. Even with clear and distinct evidence from this same clip that not all cops behave this.
The voice I read your comment in is hilarious.
The number of “stars” you got for this is a huge indicator that I should never visit gawker again.
Not fit enough to keep up with PCP crazed men?
What a fucking imbecile.
Flakka is the new one.
YAY, you are an idiot YAY!
They don’t. You were entered as a non payer. You just provided everything you needed to know why the LPR knows you.
“Second, and more importantly, we’re not going to discuss this because I have already stated above that the data should not be store more than a month.
I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to type all that and champion your cause against the LPR system and how it stores data, especially when I just freely stated in the comment you replied to, that it stores data.
“No government or company is immune to complacency. They’ve proven to lie and try and cover up data leaks for decades now.”
This is a problem specific to a police department how? Per this logic, it’s irresponsible for any government or company to store anything. If that is what you’re getting at, I don’t know what type…
Well we sure do pay a lot of civilians a lot of money to not secure anything.
You’re still stuck on that story huh. That’s your golden ticket. Surely, that city of 27,000 people which probably employs only a handful of cops is completely representative of all the approximately 750,000 officers in the United States.
Taking commonly used Internet language and using it literally, so edgy.
My salary comes from state taxes, the likes of which also fund schools, and hospitals. A tax which you can’t see to differentiate from a fine.
Well, funny story, despite all your grim sounding sentences, vehicle registration fee’s are very important and not sure why you’re all for someone not paying them when you have to. Where I used to live, vehicle registration fees funded medical helicopters, but sure bro, you get a slide on society norms, you’re…
Cool story, but they don’t run registrations. No user data, you to officer have to already know the plate number your looking for. You can’t search by name or anything, again it’s just the numbers on the plate.
This is relevant how. It’s still in public view, regardless if it’s viewed once or forty four times a month.
The crime? That would be expired registration.
I thought the same, looks like super old school tech in there.