It seems like Givenchy’s worst decision since this:
It seems like Givenchy’s worst decision since this:
“...and THAT’S why you should never be a racist, xenophobic, classist asshole.”
This is pure exhilaration. This is pure life. This, if Taylor Swift were writing about it, would just have the words…
I.... I love you.
Now I want a beer, a whiskey, and a Ford truck.
Where is this list located? And can people just go and type in a name and see if it comes up?
This, exactly.
Honesty doesn’t necessarily mean straight-up telling someone directly what’s going on. That can sometimes backfire, and then you get to instead be that asshole who says, “I was just being honest.” Consider your audience.
I agree with this. You need to spend a few minutes thinking about the person you’re delivering feedback to and tailor the message so that it can be best received by that person. You should always be honest, and part of being a good manager is understanding how to best deliver feedback so that your team members will…
Because, as the article says, “If someone feels personally threatened by what you are saying, his or her defenses will go up and he or she won’t be able to internalize your criticism”.
As Jezebel’s official Cumberbitch, I approve this post. Dont be that person in the theater. I will hunt you down, and you will die a slow, painful death. Right there, in the theater, like all of Hamlet’s characters. Except for Horatio and Fortinbras, of course.
Ida B. ChoAzz, a roller derby player in Spokane, Washington, made good on her nickname this week when she ran down a…
I know what they’re trying to communicate. I get the suicidal ideation bit.
legitimately thought this was a whale a first glance
I never knew this until RIGHT NOW.
Before I saw his picture but saw the title of the post I was ready to say no. Then I saw his picture and thought, hmmm yeah I’d hit that. But something in his smile reads to me that he is the kind of guy who pulls the 68 and owe you one bullshit, so I’m back to no. And fuck that sandwich. You know he never eats at…
brb never sleeping ever again