Absolutely. I mean, there are plenty of parents who don’t care about their kids at all, but you don’t get points for being into your own offspring (that you hopefully chose to have).
Absolutely. I mean, there are plenty of parents who don’t care about their kids at all, but you don’t get points for being into your own offspring (that you hopefully chose to have).
Compared to most celebrity homes, this is pretty damned tasteful.
True, but not nearly as many for nearly as long (at least where I live). It used to be the norm. Especially for the non-superhero movies (not even talking about indies, just anything non-mega blockbuster) — I can’t count the number of times I wanted to see something but didn’t in the first 2-3 weeks and it was gone.
People who live in the suburbs/exurbs/rural areas have the space for large screen TVs, home theatres, etc. People who live in cities (who might have some kind of hipster nostalgia for a retro pastime) often don’t have cars. I would be a good example of the latter category. I like the idea of a drive-in in theory (at…
I’m familiar with the concept, thanks. I’m guessing he had a passing familiarity with it too (aggressively progressive leanings and all), but again, this is the kind of person who would implore people to “go vegan for the environment,” but probably traveled more (by airplane) over the course of one year than many peopl…
The pressure to see movies quickly is real. It didn’t used to be that way. Wasn’t the original Star Wars in the theatres for over a year or something?
Vinyl made a comeback...but it’s still pretty niche compared to streaming.
I watched Uncut Gems in the theatre instead of on Netflix for this very reason — there was no way I was going to be able to sit still on my couch for something that intense for two hours. Let alone resisting pausing to check my phone to look up an actor, etc. (as I’m not one of those assholes who pulls out their…
He means well (no, really, I think he does), but yeah. Also a vegan and extremely vocal about it. #notallvegans
Someone who owned his own condo + a rental property (and now a house, I believe, according to a mutual friend) once told me he didn’t “really believe in the concept of private property.”
I tend to agree, but hubby is even worse than foodie.
OMG, yes. I always use “tasty” instead.
I think I ripped the originals onto iTunes but I don’t have Apple Music on my phone (plus I know Apple has a history of deleting songs).
The version of “Lost in Emotion” Spotify streams is the re-recorded version (at least for this Canadian). Why is that? All the originals of their other hits seem to be there.
Reduced crowds, but do you actually have faster access to rides and services given that fewer people can use them at a time and you have to sterilize in between groups of people?
We don’t know about Kate, do we? I thought she was keeping quiet — and wasn’t their relationship kind of “volatile” (as they say) back in the day?
Yes. That is not someone who always “does the right thing.”
They discuss Gibson’s amateur status in the video.
My understanding is that he was talking more specifically about Jews.
I know. I think at least part of it is that this is long read about a heavy topic on a site that mostly deals in snark — but it’s still disappointing.