omg THANK YOU for being so articulate & explaining it to others–passin’ on that knowledgeee. #3 is hugee
Any word on a release date yet? I’m coming up with nothing—really don’t want to watch this in 540p with Chinese subtitles...
Just anything that’s even undead, right?
What’s Journey?
There is a special place in my heart for Sierra games, especially Torin’s Passage (I still have the disc), which I played at the age of 3. Sad to see it’s not on the list, but happy to see some folks have the same formative experiences thanks to Sierra :)
Because FF XIII worked out great & a convoluted structure + appealing to all possible gamers (especially “open-world action-rpg mongering Americans”-as Squenix has identified us) is a winning formula. What’s next? A VR first person shooter experience from Prompto’s POV? Because Dirge of Cerberus was dope too.
Is that Amber Heard reflected in his eyes?!
I have an early access code for Abzu and I’d like to submit a review—is that better suited for the sub-blog Talk Amongst Yourselves?
The flying car is so f***ing dumb