Upsidedown Justice

Don’t forget the retainer check you will have to write for the lawyer to agree to represent you. That would be about $5K in my neighborhood.

I don’t understand the whitewashing comment. The 1960s was a different time and a different generation.

What all that money can’t buy is eternal youth. The Mercers will get old and die just like those who they believe are worth less. That’s the definition of karma.

Strange, if you watch Fox you would think they were covering a different president.

The “more alien” part is that atmosphere is only 1% the density of Earth’s. If we were standing there talking we would not be able to hear each other.

Hmmmm. It’s very clear that these youngsters should be paying greater attention to there studies, which are important for their future; and less time on pointless race baiting. Which word is correct for the sentence? Johnny has a shirt to ——-. A. Where. B. Were. C. Wear.

Because Americans are obsessed with humans exploring space, essentially very expensive stunts. So there is very little money left over for real science.

Trump is a dangerous flawed individual. So sad that 35% Americans can’t see through the BS.

Agreed. So sad to see her go. I wonder whether any of us will get to know whether life exists deep in Enceledus. We are seriously messing with our blue dot.


Pretty stoopit.

Lesson learned. Life finds a way. Likely not human life this time around, but Earth life will endure no matter us humans.

That’s because he just crawled out of a barrel of Guiness