
You’re laughing?? Moe literally just hit Curly on the head with a hammer which caused Curly to go whoop whoop whoop whoop really loud and charge at Moe but Larry opened a window across the room and Curly ran out the open window and landed on top of a fruit stall and then started slipping on bananas when he tried to

Do you live in Detroit?

It ain’t 2016 anymore

do the research yourself

Oh look, it’s one of those knuckledraggers that thinks Joe Biden hugging his own fucking grandkids is somehow evil.

Here’s the exact quote:

Now if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the whole, that’s gonna be the least of it, it’s gonna be a bloodbath for the country, that’ll be the least of it.”

I don’t care what context you put it in, those are the words from his mouth. 

Getting really tired of you deranged motherfuckers trying to paint Biden as a pedophile. He’s not, nobody has a credible case that he is, and he’s been in the public eye since the 1970s. Yes, I’ve seen all your video montages. His behavior is benign.

Is Biden old and dottering? Yeah. But Trump is *also* old and

Boomer-ass post. 

FTFY Brad.

keep the sensational adjectives and editorializing out of it unless you do it to both sides.

Stick with me here... The malice isn’t in the intent, but in the ignorance of the assumption.

Your experiences with cyclists in one geographic area are bad, so the results of these studies are invalid.

Literally the first city referred to in the article. Interesting that OP couldn’t be bothered to engage in good faith.

Tell me you don’t know Seattle without actually telling me...

I lived on a street that was changed from 4 lanes to two lanes and two separated bikes lanes in western Chicago. The bike lane became the hub of the neighborhood over 5 years or so. Most restaurants, cafes, stores were all along the bike thoroughfares. Before the modernization, few business were along the same

I mean, it’s not like someone is going to fit a fridge or oven into their car. That stuff is getting delivered no matter what

When the rolling coal bros see a guy on a bike:

Pick literally any city that's done it, it's a universal constant like the speed of light.

Turns out cars don't spend money, no matter how many of them are parked or passing by.

My city has been removed car lanes and street parking, as well as adding bus and bike lanes. Despite all the skepticism, it works. Business is booming on these streets, traffic flow is better and less people are getting killed by cars.