
If there’s one thing I could tell Kevin Hart to do in this admittedly too-short clip, it would be to quit trying to be the loudest, funniest guy in the room for a second and just listen. Just shut up and listen. This person is sitting there trying to tell you about something very close to him that coincidentally cost

Keven Hart has enough money that he should be able to hire a team of people to figure out what the fuck is wrong with Kevin Hart.

Just a horrible, senseless tragedy.

I thought the body on the gurney was her Dad.

Because Carmelo Anthony is a delusion diva and James Dolan is a fucking idiot.

That’s true, but also way more nuanced than most Hollywood producers are going to get.

Now playing

That “Bizzaro zombie apocalypse survivors” bit was done in Shaun of the Dead.

I tried to quit a pack-a-day smoking habit three times, including a 2.5-year sting, before finally doing so in 2003.

I come here every day to read funny and insightful comments, so I guess we’re both pretty disappointed.

Just pay for the beer next time, man.

my wife grew up kind of embarrassed to be Filipina (in the midwest Asians were either “Chinese or Japanese”) and lets face it, all the Philippines was known for in the 80's and 90's was Imelda Marcos’ shoe collection. Then Pacquiao came along and she suddenly found something to be proud about in being a Filipina - the

Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:

OKC and Paul agreeing to an unprecedented buyout and he signs with the Lakers for the vet minimum. 

Fellow donor here myself (2yrs and change out from the surgery). Aside from two weeks of barely-limited mobility, I had no change to my life at all. It’s gobsmacking that something so life-changing for the recipient barely affects the donor at all. I’m still shocked by how much it’s improved my recipient’s life while

I’ve never seen this technique used by marathon runners to tell people that they run marathons. Kudos.

Username checks out

“Living organ donor here...”

Well, ain’t that a kick in the head?
- Andre Gurode

i hope he survives, and if he does it would be an excellent opporunity for him to partner up with the league for a series of PSAs called “Let’s Stomp Out Kidney Disease Directly On The Head”