
Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

yes, there’s very fine people on both sides

I think given that Kevin Feige is hailed as a genius for the MCU’s overall consistency and success, it’s also fair to lay the limitations at his feet, too.

This piece is outstanding.

It’s not Tom Holland’s fault, but the MCU Spider-Man has been a major letdown for me. He just lacks the necessary emotional weight and relatability — he’s basically a sitcom character. You could easily put him in one of those ABC comedies.

Yeah, I’m not saying it’s BAD, necessarily, just something that felt noticeable to me in the movie. It sticks out because they have Flash refer to the fact that Peter doesn’t have a lot of money but it reads more that Flash’s family is rich than Peter is scraping by. 

Wilt pulled out early...and often.

What could have changed in those two years? I mean, I’m not saying it’s Fred VanVleet’s son...But it also isn’t NOT him.

Hate to say it, but D&D made the right decision and maintained a holistic vision for the show’s ending. Excellent direction would have been jarring alongside piddle-poor writing.

Or you could just look for whomever Draymond is kicking at that moment.

“The cop” is a pretty evergreen response too

Did he shout “Do you know who I am?!”

Wow, that was a long walk.

I think the people who want to see this story “done right” took one look at this movie and realized it ain't "done right."

Yeah it sucks when people enjoy simple activities with other people 

What about treating Magneto as a bigger threat, a la Thanos lite, and not featuring him in every damn movie? There are so many other villains and characters to focus on.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Now playing

I’ve always thought that it tells you a lot about a person when they tell you which Leone western was their favorite, because they exists on a spectrum. On the one side you’ve got lean, economical filmmaking with no frills (A Fistful of Dollars), because at the beginning Leone was unsure of his craft, and basically

I think we’re gonna need a bigger belt.