Fabulous read. Great work.
A.A. I’m so glad you said what you did about Jackie Brown. It’s my favorite film of his. In fact, it’s the only film of his I revisit. Even Pulp Fiction, all respect to it, doesn’t really grab me. But Jackie Brown does. It’s his most earnest, most emotional film. The plotting is perfect, the script brilliant, and it’s…
In this day and age, why are we still stripping these young athletes?
Hear, hear. Who are these full time employees not picking up the intern’s tab? Jeezus Christ on a cracker, I’m a broke grad student teaching at a university, and when I meet with my undergrad students at a cafe, I always buy them a cup of coffee or a sandwich. Every other Friday I bring donuts in for our student…
What kind of shit ass marketers who work at this firm don’t cover the happy hour tab for interns?
This is why I never go to EDM festivals.
I don’t buy for a second that the unsullied and the Dothraki, who have been life and death across the seas battle after battle loyal to Dany would have just shrugged their shoulders at her murder..”eh, the murderer gets to live and his brother will take our Queen’s place as ruler? Ok guys cool beans!”
Yeah, Yara’s support of Dany was contingent on Dany recognizing the Iron Islands as an independent kingdom. What made her drop that demand?
In the end, Bran let Dany go on her rampage because he knew she would make his kingdom more ADA compliant.
Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.
My reading of the “it wasn’t earned” is more like “it could have been so much better” rather than it shouldn’t have existed in the first place. They wanted that Wonder Woman rising up in the trenches but without the same emotional/structural foregrounding. Just imagine how much better it could have been.
The correct…
“Congratulations Dwayne on a Hall of Fame career, now please drink our hoppy pee cans, you idiots”
I hope there is someone close to Biden who can tell him “You have a history of this shit. If you run this shit will come out of the woodwork. And however innocent you honestly thought it was at the time, or however innocent you think it still is, people are not going to retroactively forgive you for this. You will…
To quote The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: “If you’re gonna shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.”.
This was just the first link (heh) I found
Hot take: The roommate’s reaction to the pun guy was 100% warranted.
This is a guy who has used his “platform” to support a white nationalist and to amplify white nationalist distortion of Colin Kaepernick’s thoughtful and justified protest of police violence against African-Americans. He has plenty to be sorry for.
When I was in college and still a practicing Muslim (not a great practitioner, more of a please-forgive-all-these-sins-I’m-definitely-committing type; your standard fare Easter-and-Xmas-Only Christian), I used to have a lot of people get uncomfortable when they had seen my Qur’an.