
Damn right; on a plantation, the gates were used to keep the coloreds inside the premises. #Progress

One of the few things I consider myself an absolute socialist on is public schooling. I know it won’t solve all the problem, but public schools being attached to property taxes are one of the worst things we’ve allowed. Granted, there are many kids nowadays who do legitimately graduate from public high schools who

If you greenlight a MacGruber TV series, I will literally suck your dick right now.” ~ MacGruber (Will Forte), MacGruber (pitch meeting)

No the head of the HOA will be real-life Ben Carson, who will be played by the gov of VA in blackface

It may seem like Kyrie is contradicting himself but it’s like the old saying goes, “There’s two sides to every planet.”

So, this guy can’t make a speech that could be political at the school buuuuuuuuuuuut the school sends kids decked out in MAGA hats to a political rally.


The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo. 

You mean five time, five time, five time, five time, five time World Champion!

Odd. They never said anything to Booker T about wrestling with dreads, and he was the 5 time World Champion.

And, while we’re at it, let’s put a little bit of blame on the kid’s coach: he should’ve said “go fuck yourself” and marched his team right out of there.

Thank you for this, Diana.  I am a former domestic violence prevention educator and the point you’re making here has really stuck in my craw for since the reporting started.  Thanks for using your platform to educate readers.

Thank you for writing this!

I voted 9-1-1 guy because nothing says 2018 more than a white person calling the cops on a black person for no good goddamn reason.

This is the most “white people shit” ever. A couple generations ago, a single drop of Native blood would get you thrown out of the family. Now she wants to “claim” it so she can wear it like a scarf.

Now playing

I’m gonna go with an opposite opinion and say that if any trailer uses Human by Rag’n’Bone Man, then that movie/TV show/game will definitely suck ass:

A Letter From A Parent

Eds. note: We received the following email from a reader, who requested that we publish it because he thinks it can

Keri Russell. The Americans.

They pretty clearly made the decision not to let her go in the laborious first half.... so they clearly need some kind of alternative to progress the plot, which is beyond their imaginations.

Bruh the refs didn’t miss 27 straight 3s. If it came down to calls I’d agree but the Rockets shot terribly.