Yah Mo B There

If there was any doubt, the mainstream media - whatever that’s supposed to mean in the first place - is now firmly right wing. They have been since Clinton’s second term but they’ve now come out in broad daylight as fascism-enabling Trump cheerleaders. Our only hope is that this contagion does not affect social media

None of us should be surprised that this call went unanswered, metaphorically speaking. A local cop outfit is ill-equipped to confiscate weapons of war from citizens legally able to own them.

I did not see this written in the article so I will clarify it here.

Not surprising that he’s going fishing. Seems like just the type. Stopped eating fish years ago after seeing how the fish were caught and what happened to them thereafter. Distressing and disgusting.

There is a gigantic eighteen-lane highway through which appropriate conduct travels. Trump’s limo is pulled over on the shoulder, engulfed in flames. We can’t allow him to curate a predecessor during his second term. We’ve got to win 2024.