Yah Mo B There

I don’t think she’s crafty, I think she’s willing.

No that was at the memorial for the 5 Dallas cops who were murdered by a Black Lives Matters nutcase. Read that transcript.

I attended meetings of the Mushroom Kingdom DSA chapter

Warren will be the nominee, and she will do or say anything to improve her chances of becoming the nominee and becoming the president. If she’s dead in the water in a swing state because of a position she will clarify it to something different. She is transparently out for herself. There’s no moral code there, no real

She’ll just change her mind if those positions look untenable. Same goes for the rest of her positions. This is one of the reasons the DNC loves her so much.

No. Stop trying to confuse me. The DNC picks who they want. In 2016 that was Hilldawg. This time it will be Warren. Hopefully in 2024 they choose someone more likely to win.

The one the DNC chooses to be the nominee. In 2016 that was Hillary R Clinton.

I accidentally starred your post. Please consider yourself with zero stars until someone else stars it, which definitely will not happen considering its content. Thank you and God bless.

Ugh... I hate to side with Trump on this one but I have to be honest. We have to be honest if we want a chance at taking this clown town down in 2020. Trump is a caricature but on this one he’s dead to rights correct. I wish it were the other way around.

Many others have different opinions on this matter. Some are even saying that the headlineless articles discourage impulsive commenters with nothing to contribute from “doing there thing,” as they say. Thank you for your time.

Elizabeth Warren will be the DNC candidate and she will lose in a landslide to Donald Trump. It pains me to say this but it’s true. I do like her. I believe others like her as well. But she is broadly not well liked. In common parlance she would be called “unpopular.” And therefore, she will not be winning the popular

The bigger story here is that Hillary hired him. Surely an oversight, of course. During that time she was very focused on destroying Libya for no reason.

It’s more popular now. Breitbart just isn’t the new thing it used to be. Lost its edge.

Those peeps didn’t go to Fox. The guy who said that has no idea.

I’m not criticizing you specifically, Lauren

That pizza looks awesome. Those two jumbos in the back are certainly enjoying it. What is this girl’s problem?

I refuse.

She sold out long ago and is being forced to do this, albeit not unwillingly.

Came here to say this, and that the charger in question looks exactly like an electric pencil sharpener. The former I can deal with, the latter not so much. I will pass on this and look for better opportunities in the future.

What the heck type of gibberish is this?