
Praise the almighty GOD i dont fall under ANY of those!!!

I dont ask, I feel that if you have to ask then you’re too ignorant to make any real difference at all. Educate yourself first e.g. learn that america is not 50% african-american etc. Then take a stance against white supremacy by supporting groups like #BLACKLIVESMATTER and #ANTIFA etc. -peace


oh god not even a handful of black teachers. shame on these damn people. -smh

ok i just watched the trailer for this show. i WILL watch this show on Netflix.

run it. i dont see anything in the world it could possibly hurt.

18% of it. see now ya’ll got me doing this mess.

oh god. dont even joke. white cops do worse thn that daily.

Does anybody remember that thing Eddie Murphy did on the Johnny Carson show about how his relatives had cereal names?

i personally cat stand Trump or any of the dumb f^*!@%$ he got working for him. #IMPEACHTRUMPNOW

there are more serious and relevant things happening in our world right now for this to matter.

oh my good GOD!! and the look on Dave Chapelle’s face!!