
the problem with that is those bolts tend to stick through to the underside of the car, which is to say that if you’re not in the south, they are going to be rusty and a pain to remove or if you’re really lucky just flat snap off in the floor pan and you’ll end up having to drill them out, find a tap for whatever

Do lots of research before doing a project.

loctite loses its potency at about 500F iirc, which depending on where they are a rotary exhaust may reach.

and they all take the path of least resistance...

my god! Torque sticks are cheap and idiot proof there’s no excuse for a tire shop not using them

What should Ford do for the electric car game?

Working on farm equipment and semi’s with my grandpa starting at 6 (also learned lots of good profanities and a very young age because of this)

Not oil related?! oh many of them are, one of thier biggest issues is the fact that they all burn oil, even nearly new ones, and if you have an owner who neglects to check their oil and beats on it several quarts low you get starvation, obscene friction and premature failure.

it’s designed for diesel applications that don’t see nearly as much shear rate as gas applications due to the difference in rpms they run. It has additives that help protect the turbocharger, but as everyone loves to point out, its the internals of the engine that have a tendency to wear out on EJ’s not their

What year and what size bar?

Time undoubtedly threw buckets of cash at him so large Gawker didn’t even have a chance

Did you have an accessport?

The FA20DIT runs out of puff because the turbo is sized for midrange power, not high rpms.

You say running brotella like its a good thing...

Has dailying the car been a success? When you have to go for a quick trip to the store which car do you take, the Aston or the Range Rover?

Say good bye to your resale values current Dart owners (not that they were great before)!



I know you don’t have to, but you’re unlikely to rev match perfectly and when you don’t, you damage (wear) the transmission and upset the chassis.

Sure, but you’re unlikely to rev match perfectly and when you don’t, you damage (wear) the transmission and upset the chassis.