Unwitting Burrito

Blame the bad search system instead of addressing the concerns.

How so? The intention is clearly to hinder access to abortion and they are succeeding, either by trying to shame women about it (intravaginal ultrasounds, “counseling” etc...) or by imposing arbitrary and idiotic rules (like the hallway width) on hospitals. What they fail to realize however is that by restricting safe

Oh look at that, another retrograde.

He was NOT a great legal mind. John Roberts is a great legal mind. Even Alito, I’ll grant that. But Scalia was a troll.

Scalia was someone whose conservative rulings came from his intellectual understanding of society, nature, history, and the law.

I know Anthony Scalia is the bete noire of the bien pensant types that write for Gawker blogs, but the man was far more than the arch-conservative stereotype that you will all bang your spoons over. No single Justice was a more consistent defender of the 1st and 4th Amendments (he upheld flag burning as legitimate

I’m with you. Forget the Uber driver — I’d take a close look at everyone who works at that club.

More likely, the robbers or one of the robbers were watching him at the club and saw the car he got into. Less likely, Uber driver happens to have contacts that can use two or three vehicles on short notice to box in HIS OWN vehicle on the off chance he picks up a ball player.

Yes, how fortuitous that they just happened to know this particular car was an Uber car, carrying a wealthy NBA player. I’d take a close look at that driver...

More sports vines!

My favorite

Puja’s Vine is the best Vine. It’s very possibly the best Vine that will ever be.

Kids getting hurt nearly always makes me laugh and I think that means I’m going to hell

List invalid.

It’s amazing how they never see the correlation. “I’m oppressed because none of these stuck-up feminazi bitches will fuck me! And Jennifer Lawrence is a fat, ugly whore who I wouldn’t fuck with someone else’s dick!”

They’re all just waiting for the Supermodel delivery that they’ve convinced themselves that they deserve. Any day now, an army of Victoria’s Secret angels will be dropped off at their doorsteps, and they will claim what is their due. Until then, it is the Cheeto-dusted, cramped-hand, incel waiting game behind their

I always find it hilarious when MRAs find women “unfuckable” while also being involuntarily celibate.