Unwitting Burrito

that their constant and gross misuse of “shade” was conscious and not simply the end result of E! being a company comprised of trend-chasing robots who haven’t been rebooted in four years.

For those that don't know, normally, it is the men that carry the coffin(s) and they are also closest to the coffin, so for these women to do so, is a major act of defiance and protest.

this was one of my favorite things about this horrible situation.

Also, according to some media sources, when the Imam told women to step back, hundreds of them went and carried her coffin, and led the funeral prayer themselves.

Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was

Thin Mints are gross.

My own maternal grandmother does it to me! THE WOMAN HAS LITERALLY KNOWN ME FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE and pretends she can't spell my name.

True story: I was once catcalled by a toddler, so every once in a while they are actually flirting.

"From the woman who loved you first."

It is creepy and gross and weird. I have a friend with a 6 month old who posted something about her son being her valentines day date and watch out ladies and blah blah blah. Unfollowed immediately.

Moms who get all creepy possessive over their sons is just fucking weird and strikes me as some reverse Oedipus complex where the Mom isn't getting enough romantic attention from the kid's father/her husband/or other romantic partner so is trying to get it from her kid. This Mom is like metaphorically pissing all over

STRONG agree.

On what fucking planet would Tyga be on Truffle Butter? Like, I can't even name a Tyga song off the top of my head. Wayne sure as hell isn't bringing him with him when he leaves Cash Money— quit trying to be famous by association with people aren't associating with you, stick with Kardazian fame, boy.

My narcissistic mother in law still wouldn't "get"this. She would find some way to be like OH YOU WANT TO BASK IN MY BITTERNESS WELL WHO IS BITTER NOW YOU ARE HAHA

I'm going to stop defending my choices to assholes and just start using the simple but brilliant sign off "because fuck you that's why."

Perhaps they'll even blame their relationship problems on her.

oh fuck, get in my fucking mouth right now.