
It's either play stupid to cover criminality, or run into criminality because stupidity. Take your pick, Barr.

The weirder part of the Barr interview is that he doesn’t seem to know that it’s illegal to vote more than once?

To be fair, it did start out as a bat virus.

All along, Batman’s greatest weakness was his cowl covering the wrong parts of his face.

Smashmouth sounds like exactly the sort of music one of these poser “weekend warrior,” retired middle-manager, wannabe bikers would listen to.  

Just don’t call them “Spicy Boys”, cause that name’s already taken.

The word “nugs” is a much greater evil than “boneless chicken wings”.

Just dont tell her brother about the dogs...

Holy shit. Is this a Coen Brothers movie?

The only good thing about that song is the music video, featuring Ben Stiller, Hank Azaria, Jeneane Garofalo, William H. Macy, and pretty much everyone else from “Mystery Men.”

Why not both?

I’m done with this year. I ache for a drunk so deep and long that I wake up next February. (kidding) Maybe I can get hypnosis next March to make me forget this year?

the difference in mortality rate was 41% without steroids to 33% with steroids, so I assume it’s statistically significant, but not a “cure” or “game-changer” by any stretch.  But that won’t stop him from plugging the shit out of it, much like the news that the FDA is telling states to “get ready” for a vaccine that

Trump is gonna love this because it will make less people die. Not less infected, not less long term damage, not less hospilizations. But HEYYY less might die.

And he’ll also tell his followers to stock up on it and take a hit of an inhaler before going to the bar and you’ll be fine. Fuck.

While not the same thing as anabolic steroids, trump is stupid enough to believe that.

I knew it, this guy is just a plant from BIG SLIDER!

One can only hope that his last words were “P.S. I am not a crack-pot”

Also all that nasty grey stringy gristle that sits between the bones at the joints.

My hot take is that, whatever you call them, boneless chicken wings are better than the original, bone-in variety. Look, you’re only really eating the wing because buffalo sauce is awesome, and the traditional wing is just a messier, more difficult eating experience. And I want to push back on the idea that more