

All the prime time MSNBC anchors are covering it, and I will try to get you a link.to the Atlantic piece that discusses it

Damn right!

Does it feel to anyone else that the media has just moved on from the pandemic? Nothing about Texas being 667 deaths away from taking second place in deaths away from New Jersey? Texas can manage that by Friday or Saturday!

I broke down and bought Michael Cohen’s book. It’s absolutely riveting.

Pence may not have, but only because Mother wouldn’t approve.

Prepare yourself. Lockdown 2.0 is much worse than Lockdown 1.0.

It’s so... on brand that this motherfucker would piss and moan about how unfairly he has been treated after he took part in a botched raid that got an innocent person killed.

Cripes, hasn’t nearly EVERYONE in this fucking administration violated the Hatch act at some point in the past 3 (going on 300) years?

The God Complex of inaccountability and infallibility, the delusion of SuperHero-dom, and the sheer backflips of mental gymnastics to proclaim innocence is so uber-white that I can see how even a kinda racist white cop would say,"the world's gotta see what this cracka wrote!"

To these cops,

He’s right that this is Good vs. Evil.

You know what? Fine. I’m all for him spending his ill gotten gains on this. I’m not okaying or excusing his myriad crimes (THEY ARE CRIMES), he still should pay out the ass in civil suits and prison time for anything where the statues haven’t run out. But if some of Smaug’s hoard can actually be put to good use and

Donated today, just got an update from their neighbor who started the GoFundMe:

Yep. A lot of people still assume that if you’re on TV, you must be rich. But you could be the lead on a TV show and be broke within a few years if you don’t keep finding work.

God, yes.  And even that sometimes isn’t good enough.  We had a neighbor trip over her dog’s leash, fall and hit her head just the wrong way, and she was dead before the ambulance arrived.  It was horrible.

Michael Hogan is Canadian, and was treated in a Vancouver hospital. The problem is that Canadian Health Care only covers the basics and necessities, the extra things, like occupation therapy, in-home care, things like that, are covered by private health insurance or are out of pocket.

Yeah, take this stuff seriously. I had a similar scare almost three weeks ago and went straight to the E.R. By the time I got to the E.R., my head was feeling pretty much fine. A weeks later and I’m still having some residual headaches. Luckily I was literally surrounded by doctors where this happened and they were

Americans need to get their Healthcare situation in order.
GoFundMes for medical expenses is inhumane and have no part in a 1st world country.

Damn it 2020, ENOUGH already!