

Also, it must be funny to see all the dogs in booties in the summer. I always think of them as a winter accessory (I’m in Mn).

The rule my dog trainer said was “lay your hand on the pavement for thirty seconds. If you can’t do that it’s too hot for a dog’s paws”.

Once more, for the people in the back, it’s not illegal to claim asylum.

This would be awesome ... or how about a neck sign, like in 28 Days. it was a little white board you wore around your neck with different messages.

I don’t know if I’ll actually post this and it’s in greys, so I doubt many people will see it even if I do (and I’ll apologize as it will probably be quite long and wordy). It’s not something I talk about or really like to think about that much, as I’m ashamed and embarrassed about it. But given that this article is

You sound like a good person, it’s nice to be reminded that they exist  : )

Oh my god, this! How did I have to scroll through every comment to get to the first thing I thought of!

I think you can get “blank”cross stitch canvas and sketch out whatever you want on it. Cross stitch and needle point are pretty easy to learn. It might be a fun experiment, and would look awesome on a pillow!

Reminds me of that one scene, in the movie Hard Candy.

I know someone here does cross stitch (hi, sorry I don’t remember your name) ... this needs to be cross stitched.

This. You said it better than I ever could.

They remind me of the Reverend character in the X-men comic, God Loves, Man kills. Seriously,

I had this happen with my dad, they wouldn’t really listen when my mom tried to advocate for me, but when my dad showed up, they paid attention .... Also, so many fuck yous to Devos, so, so many!