Ha. This.
Ha. This.
Enter your finger into Touch ID after a shower and when your hand is cold.
If you're in the settings then just hold your finger on the sensor. The one the finger belongs to is highlighted. Relabelling is quicker, sure. But the highlighting feature comes into play here too.
The problem people face is that they don't set it up properly due to wanting to do it quickly. The first step of setup is simple, just keep touching your finger to the sensor straight on. The second step is where folks go wrong. The more the phone knows of your finger print, the better it will be. Give it more…
I've had cuts on my fingers plenty of times and it's worked flawlessly. Set it up properly and you're good to go.
Well, it IS pornographic.
It's a grey PS4. Beauty certainly is in the eye of the beholder. This is horrid.
Nice headphones. Shame the look like crap. Will Skip.
Nice headphones. Shame the look like crap. Will Skip.
Because DC don't have better things to be getting on with. It's a bloody bat. DC don't own bats. Plenty of differentiating features in these logos. The wing lines, the curved ears, the bats stance. DC are trying to claim they own the bat silhouette. I haven't even got to how they're not even close to being in the same…
Nice everyday sexism there. FFS.
Don't give kids passwords to secure accounts (d'oh!) and learn about teh device before handing it to the kids. Parental restrictions exist on these things for a reason. Apple have already done their bit by providing those restrictions as options. Now do your bit and learn how to use them!
Nah, don't feed the trolls (even for fun). He'll come back for more! :(
He went about it in a bad way but you were shown to be wrong there and he/she educated you as to why. Just read it and move on. Ignore the silly comments the respondent wrote.
It's what you ARE seeing that's the problem (it's not really a problem). That it's NOT breathtaking. It's that you no longer buy in to the hype of the same crap over and over again.
Yup. Sad times.
Bro, calm down bro. These games RULE bro. FPS is the best. *rolls eyes*
Meh. Looks rather bland.