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    Always love a good road trip story. I’ll be following along! Is that your personal mustang? ( I assume so based on front plate) how did you prep it for the trip? Is there a business In the guide you’re hoping is still around or maybe one you remember from when you were little going out with your parents on maybe road

    I was so close!

    IKEA meatballs were found to have horse meat in them

    IKEA meatballs were found to have horse meat in them

    How do they take side load, landing load and still go? Like why are they so amazing

    You win sir

    Oh, well that’s good

    Plot twist it’s now the Jalopcast

    I’ve don’t 198 episodes isn’t that crazy?


    Where’s my cut off wheel?

    Look into a mirror in a dark room and say air cooled engine 3 times

    I’m so confused my whole view on mormons has been shattered!

    The mormons I knew growing up couldn’t have pop Cause caffeine for some reason.

    The dog wanted a soda, cause he’s a Muslim not a Mormon, so they put the dog up there, with the sofa, they had the ham in the car, so neither would be tempted.

    David you act like grass grows in dirt

    Can confirm, also Maryland plates too

    You Go next year?


    Per fire code all exterior doors swing outwards.