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    I'm doing this

    These are from my phone personally taken

    Did you marry her because she could things off of tall selves for you?

    Wait this isn't a sandwich, what gives?

    Not sure how I got here still funny tho

    Saw this yesterday is suddenly relevant

    It's a mystery for the ages

    Yeah I’m very confused, I think your right it all seems terminate at the back in single knot. Now I'm even more confused. Who made this? Is it broke?

    Perhaps I have a problem, but how is this thing put on? Is that strap running across her belly holding the bottom on? Is it like bikini suspenders? Is that thick strap on the back also part of the bottom? How is this worn?

    Is this a dig on me, my show or Mitsubishi?

    So uh I about a month ago I scheduled an interview with a rep from Mitsubishi tonight, good timing or best timing ever?

    The “buy used X thing cause better then Z new thing (then put in Y amount of monies)” thing was throwing me off

    Ok but I'm watching you, if you cross over to much I'm gonna request a cage match fight. There can be only one!

    Wait travish didn't write this? I'm confused

    Damn it, that's what I was gonna name my show! Back to the drawing board

    I dislike these shows, my wife adores them. (We met online dating btw). When I happen to have to hear or see these shows because she's watching them, I wonder what song and dance they do to get people to sign. Especially on the episodes where it makes these people look like they are awful. I really enjoyed this read,

    I'm surprised it took this long for someone to make that connection!


    Why not model 2 as in

    See it's just like the cars enjoy it while you can, cause after a few days you'll want to throw it out.