
Sure Princess Anna can join, but no carrots in the butt; only in her computer to shut it down so she can’t type anymore!

Except that you totally shamed and blamed and (attempted) to destroy an innocent and peaceful man on a humongous worldwide platform; opened me personally up to vile criticism as well; and hurt a lot of people who really care about this work. (MEN AND women.)


Why are so many of the responses that are in support of Superstar Machine still pending? Some pending since the 11th. Why isn't anything being done about this?

I think it’s weird that Anna Merlan is commenting/defending her own article. As if this article is not biased enough. PLEASE!

I am also a member of SSM and Hot School and proud of it. None of what the article says reflects my experience in SSM whatsoever, and there are a few blatant lies that I wanted to address. I was not recruited by SSM—I was invited by a friend to attend as many events as I wanted before I asked if I could join. Also,

Hello Anna,

So awesome! Way to let them know Kale123!!!!

Amen to that! Zero legitimacy here. Way to represent, Brooklyn Chick.

Hells yeah Sista!

International has mentored me for 6 years and I’ve been a member of Superstar Machine from day 1 and it’s been amazing and life changing. This article is not at all consistent with my experience. I know all the former SSM members who have been featured in this article and I don’t at all agree with their

I find this article to be disgraceful. Coming from a side that just is delusional and a desperate attempt to attack someone. I find it disgusting attacking another human being. Repulsive, bad reporting, and just tacky! IT’s like a bad breakup where the woman goes cray cray. The guy says leave me alone. stop texting me

This article is so WACK! I’m a proud QUEER member of both Superstar Machine AND IHSR! And I have always...ALWAYS been supported in that.. because that’s who I am authentically. And if there is something that International supports it’s authenic expression! So I can straight up attest that it’s a load of crap that

My girlfriend is in Superstar Machine. I don’t know much about it because I consider it her business. But this feels way,way off. I’ve met about a dozen of her girlfriends who are fellow members, and all of them seemed perfectly well adjusted and normal- except for Katie Arnold. I had no problem with Katie personally,

this sounds like an insane and very unhappy, bitter spiteful person. poor you. cringe...

I was under the impression that credible journalists hold a none biased position? Way to write a well-balanced article Anna!

So Right, Princess.

This article is totally biased, one-sided, and doesn’t reflect all the people (including myself) that International has helped. Irresponsible journalism and lame reporting Anna! He is a visionary and has helped me be super successful in my life and in my marriage, and as a mom. The cult thing is ridiculous- last I

It’s weird that this is being seen as a spiritual organization instead of a subscription based coaching business.

I am a current member of Superstar Machine and Hot School and damn proud of it! Both of these collectives have helped me invaluably and continue to change my life in the most amazing ways and the results are tangible! I could write a book and probably will at some point;) The women that are saying SSM is a cult are