
I realize that Amanda Knox is entitled to her own feelings, interpretation of her experience, and speech. But being that she had to know how painful publicly writing this would be to the Kercher family, could she just not have? Just because you can do something, and that something might be cathartic for you, doesn’t

You write this like you’re her bestie and you’re so sick of her being maligned. I’m with her family, she should shut up about it already. It’s not helping ANYONE.

There are others but looking it up I just realized Montgomery Clift never actually won an Oscar. That’s a fucking shame.

They’ve already sunk a lot into production and the show makes them a lot of money, so I think it will eventually come out. The block is just a little too hot right now.

Well if it is not finished I’ll tell you what happens. SPOILERS

if they don’t air the last season i’ll be disappointed. once again my hopes for a woman president are dashed by a lecherous old man.

The way the show taps in to sex that is culturally taboo will make it difficult to impossible to survive a leading actor being forced to finally deal with the accusations of his victims. His horrendous response threw the show under the bus and I think the producers realize the weight of this American moment.

I would go for that. This sort of shake up plays against expectations (For those that do not follow the development of the show) that made Game of Thrones Season One so great (Yes it was plot for plot from the book, but few shows do that gamble so early on.)

Charming, I’m sure the hundreds of people now laid off this well paid Union production will be thrilled at scary old homo Kevin getting his comeuppance, who needs rent when you have moral indignation to keep you warm.

This seems like an overreaction to a single three decade-old allegation, so I’m assuming there’s got to be more Spacey news to come.

Seriously, I didn’t come this far to not get my god damn season with Claire as president and/or taking out a hit on Francis.

If they rewrite the balance of the final season so Claire has Francis killed and assumes power - THAT WOULD ACTUALLY COMPORT WITH THE SOURCE MATERIAL! Let Robin Wright carry the season (she’s been the real standout anyway, but this is the way the original story goes)

It’s good enough for Internets de Univision, look for 19 stories on the issue in the next three months, the 11th being a crowdsourcing plea for abusive tales the readership might have heard fourth-hand.

Am middle eastern and agree with your unpopular opinion. Fuck burqas and fuck niqabs. Fuck those tools of oppression. I had to wear head covering in the US from early childhood - it was awful and not even as bad as a burqa or niqab. If there had been a ban on it then maybe I and so many other girls wouldn’t have been

Those religious communities are extremists and should be dealt with by all means necessary.

And what exactly are YOU proposing Europeans do? Nothing? Yeah no. If these women want to be covered from head to toe, there are countries for that. A long fucking list: Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc. Why not go there? I mean I know why: they want their cake and eat it too. They want to not integrate AND get all the

Come on — guilty pleasures can be necessary, and SATC actually had some pretty decent writing and strong performances by Cynthia Nixon and others.

“But she should be subject to that criticism. It should be an uncomfortable space for a white artist to appropriate black music. It’s only because of her white privilege that Iggy can be in that uncomfortable space but not have it get in the way of her career.”

So...will this be corrected? “To say it was the rare true-crime drama that actually cared about the humanity of its female characters would be an understatement.”

Eh, using a phone in a film auditorium is a pretty inexcusable offense.