Most “hand drawn” anime is drawn on computers, that’s the way it’s been for nearly the past 25 years.
Most “hand drawn” anime is drawn on computers, that’s the way it’s been for nearly the past 25 years.
I think it’s a little disingenuous to say that all all completely cg works are lazy and say that drawn works are true art. Your completely entitled to your opinion but i’ve seen my fair share of incredibly lazy dream anime, namely the asterisk war or akame ga kill that have actions scenes plauged by countless jump…
I don’t disagree with you i’ve seen many anime in general ruined by bad cg but there are some anime with cg that are some of the best anime i’ve ever seen. I personally think it’s kind of dumb to not watch something simply because it uses cg but that’s just my opinion.
Ah I see you are a man of culture as well
I’ve seen some cg works better than most anime of the past five years. But of course I really do love drawn anime. I think it depends more on the quality of the studio producing the work because i’ve seen some awful hand drawn anime.
Ah I see you are a man of culture as well
I feel it’s a little disingenuous to say that all 3D anime are lazily made while saying that hand drawn stuff is true art. Your certainly entitled to your own opinion but i’ve seen my fair share of hand drawn anime that were flat out lazy. Namely stuff like the asterisk war or akame ga kill that had action scenes…
Do not fear there are plenty of individuals who happen to appreciate RWBY do not let the blind fools and haters tell you otherwise.
Poor Roman got got like that one guy from deep blue sea.
Yeah if that happens things are gonna get ugly.
Volume 3 just wrapped up and damn it was fantastic but things definitely take a turn.
Actually on the Xbox and maybe the play station it is not the most played I know this for a fact on Xbox because if you check most played it went from one to five if that dosen’t paint an image of this games current state I don’t know what will.
Sounds like your excitement was one of the characters.
Actually most of the guys who made halo stayed with 343 so most of these bungie guys never even touched halo but yeah bungie needs to learn how to balance their game
He wrote the frame of the story and the first three episode that's all really
Code geass is probably one of the best mechas it's almost it's own genre. Aldnoah isn't as good but hey I think it's better to imitate something good than Settle for some mediocre bull
Gurren lagann was great the feels at the end I don't cry when it comes to anime but the end made me feel pretty damn depressed for a while
I agree with this article but one thing that really got me was pre order exclusives. I have no prejudice for PS4 or XBOX one I love both of them but with pre orders you pay the same amount as someone else and get less because of a different preference it's just annoying as hell
I agree perhaps a better use of words is don't make a habit of watching a show you don't feel invested or interested in, I've made that mistake before. You don't have to like this show a personal philosophy of mine is nothing is for everyone and I can respect your opinion.
I can understand and respect your point Inaho is a plot device which is rather irritating but he is by no means a fish without feelings or emotions it's all in the writing and voice acting it took me time to find it but he has emotion he just doesen't express it. Slaine however confused me during the later events of…