
Some folks calls it a pole saw, I calls it a angry javelin.......

Yeah, I’m in the U.S. and world news is hard to come by if you don’t go looking for it.

On an issue as sensitive as this, it’s important to know what the leader of the free world thinks about it.

So he is technically correct. Which, according to Futurama is the best kind of correct.

The #AmazonWashingtonPost, sometimes referred to as the guardian of Amazon not paying internet taxes (which they should) is FAKE NEWS!

If his company doesn’t make profits then I’d think they wouldn’t owe billions of dollars in taxes...??

Remember: anything he has ever attacked anyone for turns out to be something he’s guilty of.

I think I see the problem here, everyone. We put someone in charge of protecting the environment, who doesn’t care about the environment.

That man has such a punchable face. He looks like an 80's comedy movie villain and he’s so fucking proud of being an asshole.

Shit, I would walked right out of the exam room and refused to deal with him. WTF.

The kid in question was 12, I hope she's not showing up at kindergarten the next day to tell any stories.

Jeez, I just encountered somebody in the comments arguing that MRA's are just poor innocent souls who have been badly hurt by women, (so when the poor darlings hurt women it's justified) so don't be surprised. They are absolutely DRIVEN to try that crap here.

someone needs to make clear to this guy that "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it" is not, like, a law. It's just a thing that people say.

Wait wasn't it MoGlo?

As I have a penis (edit, and identify as male) and spend an inordinate amount of time happily reading Jezebel, I'd like to thank all of Jezebels readers and writers for not making ham handed threats of deadly violence against me. Or as most people call it: acting like a normal fucking human being!

I would tend to assume that "Manbook" would be a service for men to procure the services of male escorts. In fact, I think I will visit said site and leave messages to that effect.

Some fun notes from the founder:

There's a number of factors, but sadly being "rejected" seems to be the biggest reason from what I've noticed. And by "rejected" I mean a woman utilizing her personal agency to not date/kiss/sleep with men who she doesn't want, and men such as this asshole creep refusing to think that there's a problem in their

While Boehm's words are ill-considered, they are obviously born of the frustration of having Manbook overwhelmed by women mistakenly attempting to procure the services of male escorts.

President of the Forever Alone Club.