Dealer: “Mr. Trump, the action is on you.”
Dealer: “Mr. Trump, the action is on you.”
I’d say he couldn’t be creepier if he tried, but I’m not one to underestimate him on this sort of thing. God, it’s disgusting.
It’s amazing how he thinks he’s some 35 year old smooth talker at a hotel bar swirling a martini but he’s that old, sweaty grandpa in the dark, seedy bar staring at you from across the room, creepy smiling while holding a Natural Ice.
This is harassment.
My sister had to get an abortion a couple days ago because my future niece no longer had a heartbeat. I’m now especially pissed at asshats who think she should’ve been forced to carry a dead fetus for a while and would love to develop some kind of fantastical technology that would let them do it and see how they like…
“A shaman named Colleen McCann”? Sounds legit.
I thought terracotta was used for building materials in the Southwest, flower pots sold at Home Depot, and armies in east Asia. Sewage pipe though?
Perhaps my outrage meter is improperly calibrated. I thought the joke was that Amal is an amazing super hero and she handled the birth like a champ and George - not a strong amazing woman - is a basket case.
Tutu soon.
I believe the technical term for a male ballet dancer is “ballerino”.
There is no more hypocrisy. The GOP is now officially the party of racists and they’re proud of it.
My comment was tongue-in-cheek. While I assume that Donald is trying to profit from the presidency, I doubt that extends to intentionally provoking international incidents just to amuse guests at Mar-a-Lago.
That the perfect drama-free black Harvard lawyer has to be now compared to the inept, possibly demented, pussy grabber white con artist is baffling. This is proof that America is still a deeply racist place. Talking about racism: imagine if Gianforte were black.....just imagine that.
My favorite part was when he told them how he was the most persecuted artist ever, and no artist has ever been treated more unfairly than him.
Are we going to make Ben a thing? Can we? We need a famous celebrity furniture maker. They can give him a tv show.
Your money’s on the dresser, Chocolate.
The lawyers were told to leave the settlement check on the nightstand.