Oh my god. The suit pulled you off?
Oh my god. The suit pulled you off?
Sad news. I was really hoping that the suit could “finish the fight.”
Step 1:
Shit. Now I have an idea for a DreamWorks franchise and a ton of guilt for it.
A male feminist walks into a bar
This is what I’ve been afraid of since Day One, doubly so since I live in San Francisco, and the California coast is likely to be the first target in a war against N. Korea.
Jason, PHENOMENAL review. I was a bit meh on the Switch after the review the other day, but this game sounds generationally important, like Witcher 3, Symphony of the Night, or Super Metroid.
FAIL! I could follow your writing.
Queue the Johnson/Stein supporters who will say it’s our fault. Fuck those people until the end of time.
Stan Rogers, ladies and gentlemen... THIS man knew a sea shanty...
If you didn't immediately begin singing along to Drunken Sailor as soon as it came on while playing AC IV, you are dead to me.