

And this is Nermal.

I don’t understand how every single one of the 52 republican senators are letting this shit happen. How not one of them is enough of a patriot to say this evil goes beyond party and getting votes. I had a brief moment of hope when McCain and Graham spoke out against the Muslim ban, but its clear that theyre all

This, however is Normal:

I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit

Seriously. He and Bannon haven’t ever hid who they are!

I live in California and I do not support this idea. I don’t want to take my bag of perfectly formed, organic avocados and go home because that’s weak. I want to some beat some alt-right mofo Congressman in the head with it. We’re a power player in this, and we should be using that against our enemies.

I spent a summer as an intern in the US Senate. Even then I knew that you can call over to the appropriate department and have a conversation to discuss “here’s what we’d like to do — what elements did we forget to consider?” and “what do we need to do to implement this?”

Worse, it doesn’t appear that this was run by the Office of Legal Council (OLC). That leaves all government agencies (federal, state, local) possibly reacting to an illegal order.

From what I can tell, Trump originally got the idea that 3 million people voted illegally from InfoWars, (Alex Jones,) who, and I’m not kidding, got it from some guy named Jeff on Twitter. Jeff won’t reveal his sources or his methodology, but feels sure that it’s true.

So, lately I find myself sitting on websites like Jezebel, reading articles, and then when I’m finished reading all the new content I hit ‘refresh’ over and over and over and over and over and...

My heart is broken by this. And I’m furious.

This shit is so dangerous. It erodes our faith in our democratic institutions. We may survive a trump presidency but the US won’t be able to survive a complete loss of faith in things like our elections and our press for example. It will breed widespread corruption and authoritarianism as people will think trump is

I’ll have to go find my tiny violin.

Trump basically just sent him out as a human tweet. He said exactly the sort of things we coulld have expected at 3AM on his twitter. I am only surprised that Spicer did not end the statement with “SAD!”

If you’re anti-abortion but respect that it’s your personal decision and are cool with letting others do whatever they want because they ALSO get to make that personal decision, by all means join us.

I love that this painting gives us direct and confrontational eye contact, a hopeful glance upward, a watchful but open gaze outward, and a wistful but determined side-eye. We’re going to need all of these visions and voices moving forward.

I think it would have been really hard for them to keep touring AND run the government in Washington DC.