
Yeah, when they came around the first time, I was getting agitated AT the people getting agitated. It was a super slow process, but especially the first time around, Popeye’s wasn’t expecting the hit they had on their hands, and weren’t prepared, so there weren’t enough people working, but those that were - were

Yeah, the data can be EXTREMELY valuable from a marketing stand-point, no question. But I disagree about your metaphor.

I keep getting Anker despite having the same issue(s) as you, premature failure at a rate parallel to the cheap and knock-off brands (for multiple types of things, not just cables). Frankly, Anker’s popularity feels like they pay sites *like this* to boost their name, then use the volume of sales and sponsorships to

Your first paragraph is key though, for all the concerns over privacy (and I’m trying my best to not belittle the whole of privacy as unimportant as that isn’t the case), as I said, if you are being targeted for whatever reason, not having an airpod in your house isn’t going to actually change anything - there is

Simple, what some people - such as yourself value, others don’t find the same value, or what you don’t value, other people DO value.

I’m going to try my best to avoid going long form, but while privacy is important conceptually, at a singular level, it doesn’t mean nearly as much as people think it does. Few of us are

because despite the concerns over privacy (information people regularly turn over anyways), the gains are often better than the losses.

I agree, that’s not my frustration or laziness, its that I learned better/know better, and get shoe horned into terrible practices. You have to adhere to what corporate IT demands, good or bad.

My knowledge used to be good, now its “eh” as poor corporate strategies have forced me to adhere to poor rules, and layers of frustration have devolved my willingness to do things the right way. I just wish that at some level, we could agree upon a group of security measures that makes sense, and spread it through out

the musician in me has learned good enough something is better than perfect nothing.

Yeah, this was something my dad didn’t show me so I am self taught. I still don’t get how some people do it everyday, my skin would shoot me if I do it more than two days in a row.

Haha, report card time, was trying to do something nice for my wife, but she was getting home so late that the kids and myself just ate out. However, tonight - there will be TACOS!

I wonder if Nintendo fixed the issues with drift on the new Joycons...

I wonder if Nintendo fixed the issues with drift on the new Joycons...

Ha, I was going to make fish tacos last night, but couldn’t due to circumstances...so I’m making them tonight. The irony!

I’m surprised its taken this long. The primary group of purchasers for small cars and sedans are going to be young adults, a group heavily impacted by the rising student debt, which have been congregating around large cities that have public transist, and even things like renting bikes/scooters & uber/lyft have eroded

Its par the course for most things. As a musician, its the 1%, as a beat maker, its the 1%, even with business, notice how many start up then die. There should be no surprise when doing indie work. However I flagrantly disagree with notion of not doing it for the money. You should do it with that in sight, however you

I was more curious about the performance difference between XLookUp & Index Match when clicking in. I was thinking they had finally merged them into a singular function.

Cosigning, been doing this for years. Because of the spatula I sometimes do a little more in size, but in function, that’s the way to go.

So most of my life as an adult I’ve straddled the opinion fence, but having a discussion about discussions on politics - with a trans friend, opened my eyes.

What I don’t get, is why the Solos have poor SQ, much much much cheaper headphones have better, it can’t be that hard to improve it. Its such a shame because they are super comfortable and super stylish.

What I don’t get, is why the Solos have poor SQ, much much much cheaper headphones have better, it can’t be that

So, I get “why”, but I slightly tilt it, in the middle of this post, there is discourse on it being about “men”, I’m not going to short-change that, but I think its missing something, its the way the sport is looked at in general. I say this because I look at it racially, and see the divide being more about priority