
eh. I don’t agree. It’s not about exception, I just grew up where a large amount of the movies I watched often suffered from “they tried to cram too much into X:XX”. Should being long, be a goal? No, I do agree that rom-coms and comedies in general typically shouldn’t be pushing the two hour mark, but looking beyond

Just an FYI, while that is a great price for the Street Fighter cabinet, the discount isn’t substantial, as its been trending around there for a while now. I bought one, loved it, and am currently waiting for (1) the price of the MK one to go down, and (2) the release of the Marvel Super Heroes cabinet. The raisers

Just an FYI, while that is a great price for the Street Fighter cabinet, the discount isn’t substantial, as its been

It is BS. With that said a couple thoughts, I think a large chunk of anti-Bulk *men* is the image of women at a competition which as you stated have done extreme things to get to that point right before the competition, i.e. that’s not what they usually look like. It also plays with the idea of “who’s the man” of the

Hot take, the spicy variant of the chicken sandwich is too much heat. It’s not that its actually too spicy to enjoy, but the spicy mayo plus spicy chicken can easily become an overload - wiping out the flavor of everything else so hard that the pickles become merely a texture change, and add nothing flavor wise ti it.

so no Sunset Drive sequel...this hurts...

Damn. I do music so my perspective is slightly different, I’ve always felt some kind of way about the structure of the industry - as it stands the music industry undercuts musicians, but this is so much worse. Every time I’ve heard about pay, I’ve heard about 1 of 2 things, the women getting more than the men, and the

We bought a copy of Office like 5+ years ago. I just re-install that. I don’t see the point in staying up to date - ESPECIALLY as a “subscription service”. Its the exact same non-sense that has kicked me off of Photoshop. I think more and more companies are in for a rude awakening, people stopped pirating because the

Moments like these I just would like to say f#ck Apple for ruining the headphone industry. I guess I’ll keep my S9 for a VERY long time.

Well a LARGE part of it I lay on the feet of boomers, not intentionally, but coming up as the son of successful boomers, college wasn’t really a choice, it was a necessary tool for success.

Looks like extreme blisters to me, like he was doing way too many hard cuts without proper taping and socks.

Yep, see LeBron James feet or James Harden feet.

I am not forcing either kid to college, and from day one I’ve let them know they don’t have to go, all I ask is they chase happiness. I grew up with college as a destined destination, and it made me miserable in the scheme of things, walked in with a chip on my shoulder, and it only grew. Now I am seeing the cost go

I agree STRONGLY with your first point, in a variable fashion. While I don’t think EVERYONE should take a year off, there needs to be an evaluation of mindset that happens, that can happen by traveling the world, working an internship, or simply already having a more mature mind frame. I’ll talk up and down that I was

I’m with you in spirit with trying to give flowers to the franchise, but I stopped at the last one, still haven’t seen it, and will redbox this. I think your analogy of flying to close to the sun is ridiculously spot on, the series is at its best when its close to the chest, its not about size, its about family and

Yeah, kids seem to be REAL cool about pretty much everything so long as YOU don’t make an issue of it.

Baby wipes were awesome, I used them to clean everything in my car. With that said, they can be streaky on plastic, so its a good first pass or “stuck in traffic” kind of wipe, but regular wipes are going to be recommended when doing the summer time shine.

So of all the MCU movies they could have picked...Thor Dark World is one of the four?

I do a *ton* of painting with my kids specifically (mostly figurines and wooden furniture from the dollar store. I have a solution that isn’t spill-proof but has other advantageous. I save the tiny plastic containers that muffins come in from the grocery store. They’ll have 12-16 places to put paint, I can store some

I won’t latch onto the emotion of your post, I disagree vehemently with it, and struggle to tell if this is trolling or some level of feigned ignorance. With that said, there is merit to the issue, your success or not. Just like the aforementioned RROD, it wasn’t a 100% failure rate. My 360 didn’t RROD until WELL into

Step one is to not panic. It’s happened to me a couple times in my mid-twenties, no credit card and no money. Now I had a job and income, so it was a matter of various course corrections, but every time that I panicked, I made a bad decision like selling stuff that I felt I could part with, but got so little in return