
When I was recording vocals in an apartment a while back, I had wooden floors and a SUPER open design. If a pen dropped you heard it echo throughout the apartment for WAY too long a time. I didn’t care about proofing so much, I wanted to absorb as much sound as possible so I wouldn’t get feedback into the mic. When I

Yeah, its not a problem, and once fully paid off/financing’s done - I’m planning on getting them reduced/trying to negotiate a better rate (that’s something I’ve never done before tbh). I actually want to keep those cards for future purchases, when I’m done financing one purchase, its a healthy metric for me to get

Yes I’m fully aware its temporary, which is why I called it a ‘game’, assuming you get the card your score goes up, but as I mentioned to someone else, when applying for a mortgage, they didn’t just look at utilization, they looked at potential, so instead of 3k of debt they see it as possibly having 25k in debt, can

To a point, some lenders will see how much you could potentially owe, so while out of that 25k of credit with about 3k used, they see the 25k as possible debt. This showed its head when I was making my home purchase, we ended up closing cards, taking my name off cards, etc so I could file by myself.

Great read about something I hadn’t really thought about. I had piss poor credit leaving college and busted my tail to “git gud”. Once it got good, it just means I have confidence when applying for a credit card...but I’m TERRIFIED of getting a credit card because just them searching will lower my credit score. Then

I’m not going to get too deep in my thoughts on this as I’m working, jjust need a mental break. I’m a black parent with a mixed kids who all play PG w/ my white wife. It’s been interesting in general - getting things for my kids. Her family has been terrific - finding dolls for my daughter that are close to her skin

I’ve done ‘mild’ levels of testing and it seems to have some basis for merit at least. I went to a parking lot and did loops in one minute intervals for a good maybe 30 minutes, my eggs barely moved. Went to a strip mall and walked to the end and got ‘close’ to the full distance (distance was a google map estimate).

The car thing is a HUGE deal to my family and I. As mentioned, if you are in a rural area, the game is ... slower .. than those in major hubs. I live outside of a middle sized city (Raleigh) - and I have to drive to get to anything. The closest Pokestop is a good mile away (then another mile), and actually finding

I’ve developed a system for myself that pretty much mirrors the idea of this. If I sit down at my desk at work and my goal is to ‘finish making xyz’, I’ll work a little on this part, a little on this part, and a little on this part. To actually get it done I use either a paper or my dry erase board, and break it up

When I first start grilling, I cut an onion in half - jokingly referring to it as a ritualistic sacrifice to the flamebroiled gods, stab it and proceed to coat my entire grill with the ‘blood’ of the onion. After that, I ALWAYS if the grill is on have at least one onion cut in 4ths, (2) green bell peppers, if on sale,

I like the tie idea more than anything, especially when coupled with the ability to slice them to wrap around things.

It became a nightmare for my family this weekend. Since about a week after launch, we’ve been using PG as a means and method to go to parks and spend time together doing something. I’d give my son my phone and he’d play in the backseat of the car as we drove to some place we hadn’t been before in the raleigh/durham

They are great, but exaggerated. They won’t change your diet. They won’t confuse anyone that they aren’t pasta. It can be difficult to cook them. The lack of flavor ends up splattering them with a bunch of unhealthy stuff anyways.

Eh. There are different angles to this. What you see as fun is of course fun to you now, but from a development stand point, with people using these apps and the such, they will (1) burn themselves out quicker and (2) burn through the content quicker than the developer can keep up. We ALREADY have people who have

I haven’t made a fresh pie in a long time (it was pear and black berry for my wife), but I had WAY too much juice, to the tune that when I took out the first slice and came back, it was completely filled up with juice. I did what you recommended, I spooned out what I could, threw it in the freezer so it would cool

Me too Pudge, me too, I was thinking it was a fancy way of saying “throw it in a sandwich bag and “Gallager that tihs”.

I’ve been a HUGE proponent for this since before I joined the work force. I remember as a kid, my dad sometimes going to work on Saturdays or pulling out his briefcase and laptop and working at home on Saturday. time not spent with me. I don’t hold it against him in the slightest - he put a GOOD roof over my head and

Sharpen your tools. The harder you have to work to do something, the quicker that laziness switch kicks in. Sure this is going to vary based on the type of work, but its part of optimizing. Chef’s sharpen their knives. Musicians clean instruments, restring them, or setup patches and the such. No matter your space,

The most practical thing on all fronts, and one of the most impactful is to simply bring your lunch. It saves you money, can be planned to be healthy, increases the chance of prepping a good breakfast or leading down the path of ‘more’ and ‘smaller’ meals, which also increases the number of times a day you get up and

Interesting idea. I’ve been trying to get more time in the day by decluttering my focus, and my trick for the internet is simple, but more after the fact. I simply look at how much of my day I spent on the internet, and think about how much I could have gotten done if I wasn’t on it at all. Sure I may double dip by