
I can’t say its universal, but for my son’s birthday last year, we were able to tie it to one of our games. We had a pirate theme with swords and cups counting as “points”, when my son found the treasure chest, there were point assignments to some of the treasures, so it literally “paid” to keep your cups,

This is great and painful. I’m in the midst of trying to make two life changing things at the same time, and I DO write down plans and as mentioned - only mildly follow through. Its easy to put together a plan for working out/eating right and stick to that plan, at least in a fair capacity considering life can be a

Summed up - just do it - pull the bandaid off quickly

Great, so I’m NOT crazy. I have my own things that I train on, and due to already having a full plate, my response is to amp up the intensity of my training, and to train smarter. I’d wager that when I’m training/studying ‘now’, I’m twice as effective as I “was”, and I compare my training to my peers and I feel like

If I wanted something else to drive me, I’d get on a bus. I don’t trust rollercoasters which are on tracks, no way am I trusting a car, and honestly, its not so much because of the car, but because of the OTHER cars.

I do that. I pretend everything is “retail space” and “Cost money” to leave out. If it we would clearance it, then we don’t need to keep it.

From what I’ve seen for engineering (I’m an EE, but ended up going down the PM route), its already - typically built into your work flow. You typically start with a Base/50% design that will have certain key details based off either a template or previous experience/work, that gets QA/QC’d, then you do a

Something leapt out to me, it said that at the highest level, the training difference was essentially null. But is there anything to be stated for the quality of training, intensity, effectiveness, etc? When Curry is training, he has a very intense set of drills he goes through for shooting. When Glen Rice was

Just wanted to chime in as a musician who’s taken almost a decade in between albums - this is so true. There is no such thing as perfection. You do need quality control, but you are better off finishing it, then coming back and making adjustments to clean a project up - then trying to get it perfect initially. Not

DON’T TELL ME THAT!!! (gets off ledge) haha. Yeah I’ve been wanting one of those for a good year now and that price point is ‘perfect’ and meets my expectations of what a fair price for the tech really is. Oh man, and I can get cash off using my Amazon Credit Card...that’s exactly what they want (though its HARD to

Doesn’t look like it. I was looking at some ear buds for the gym, but just a few bucks more can get me better quality ones that aren’t even on sale. There was an LG 34" at a good price like $415 if I remember correctly, but that’s beyond what I can buy on impulse at the moment. I spent more on those buttons yesterday

There’s something to be said for defining extreme, there is something to be said for defining “large change” too. To me, extreme is impacting some of your basic needs or making huge shifts for minimal gains. When I was being extreme, my diet consisted of eggs and ramen noodle, for months, with random potatoes -

Yeah, I’m a firm believer in “comfort”, I’ve seen it from both sides of the coin just by watching my parents when I was growing up. I’ve ironically settled between the two of them - being extreme is never good, extreme savings can make life too unpleasant, and of course just living it up will put you in a bad spot. My

I’ve got to ask out of curiosity - what’s the point of these super small computers? What separates them from a tablet or phone? Is it more a project to do because you can or is there actually a benefit (honestly just curious).

Yep, that sounds about right. I’ve got ‘zero’ faith in out lasting my contract here.

So it was/is a contractor position, something I’m entirely new to, and my previous experience via close friend in IT, had him jumping around via cotracts all the time, a discussion we had frequently as it was the opposite of how I was raised...so I had a hard time discerning initially ‘why’, then I got enamored with

As a sneakerhead, my solution is simple, don’t wear ONE pair of shoes. If you really like a pair of shoes, immediately invest into a couple/few pairs. Otherwise, don’t “wait” to get another pair when your current ones start to wear. If you have 6 pairs of shoes (not gardening type, but actual shoes), then instead of

I should have noticed my situation during the interview. Turnover is a red marker, I should have dug more into why ‘my’ position had so much turnover. Quick phrasing came off as though they found a better situation for their level of talent (demeaning to myself off the bat). Better digging would reveal the ‘opposite’,

It’s not “better”, I’ve just had to spend time focused on other things...happiness/entertainment is the goal!

Aye, I’m a jack of all trade - prefer grapplers and rush down - but I tried to still be “decent” and know BnBs for everyone - just for those bad match-ups, which was mainly Gief. I actually picked up characters just studying the mismatch (its why Seth became my main in Super and Sim and Gen were my Sagat killers).